«MAXI» Mall: tests passed

Maxi shopping and entertainment centre in Tula, Russia, is announced by «Maxi development» as a «foreground, largest and most significant project at a given time». Proposed transport infrastructure solution has passed all safety and efficiency tests and will be applied during 2015.

We and our partners at Maxi Development share common opinion: new object connection shouldn’t do any harm to existing road infrastracture. Furthermore, it should imrove it. Following this rule, we proposed solution that was both cost-effective and social responsible. Comfortable connection between two of Tula’s city districts means more people will choose this route, resulting in more customers for object.

The project was quite challenging because of it’s location and complicated natural conditions. Our final solution has taken those factors into account to ensure object’s harmonious integration into road network and provide highest standarts of safety, providing highest standarts of safety and customer attraction potential.

Project development included:

- Traffic impact research and road infrastructure’s «what-if» analysis by the means of computer simulation;

- Evaluation of presumed road design solutions;

- Calculation of object’s 20-minute catchment area.